Selected Articles & Book Chapters
Scientists Writing and Knowing the Ocean
in Steve Mentz and Martha Elena Rojas, eds., The Sea and Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literary Culture (London: Routledge Publishing, 2016).
The Spaces in Between: Science, Ocean, Empire
With Michael S. Reidy: “The Spaces in Between: Science, Ocean, Empire,” Isis 105 (2)(2014): 338-351.
From Danger Zone to World of Wonder
The 1950s Transformation of the Ocean’s Depths,” Coriolis: Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies 4(1)(2013): 1-20.
Ocean’s Depths
Drunken Boat [an online journal of arts and literature], 16(2013)
Arthur C. Clarke and the Limitations of the Ocean as a Frontier
Environmental History, 17 (3)(2012): 578-602.
Playing by – and on and under – the Sea: The Importance of Play for Knowing the Ocean
in Jeremy Vetter, ed., Knowing Global Environments: New Historical Perspectives on the Field Sciences (Rutgers University Press, 2010), 162-189.
Oceans: Fusing the History of Science and Technology with Environmental History
in Douglas Cazaux Sackman, ed. A Companion to American Environmental History (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), 442-461.
Engineering, imagination, and industry: Scripps Island and dreams for ocean science in the 1960's
pp. 325-352, in Rozwadowski and van Keuren, eds., The Machine in Neptune's Garden, Canton, MA: Science History Publications/USA, 2004.
Technology and Ocean-scape: Defining the deep sea in the mid nineteenth century
History and Technology 17(2001): 217-247.
Small World: Forging a Scientific Maritime Culture
Isis, 87(1996): 409-429. Winner of the 1995 Ida and Henry Schuman Prize, History of Science Society