Exploring the Ocean’s past and presence
The world ocean – its ocean basins and seas, currents and upwelling zones, tides and edges – lie at the edges of our histories. Yet we need to comprehend the ocean’s past – and our inextricable interconnection with the sea – to grapple with present challenges, environmental and societal. Those interested in learning or writing about ocean history are invited to join the enterprise of this site: to explore the ocean’s past and its presence today.

Because of the importance of the ocean today – in terms of climate, health, economy, food supply, recreation, coastal habitation, and many other areas – the time has come to historicize our human relationship with the ocean.

Fathoming the Ocean: The Discovery and Exploration of the Deep Sea (2008) won the History of Science Society’s Davis Prize for best book directed to a wide public audience.

Welcome to Fathoming the Ocean, a blog and website dedicated to fostering and promoting ocean history.

Helen M. Rozwadowski is Professor of History & founding director of the Maritime Studies program, University of Connecticut.