Fellow Fathomers


International Commission of the History of Oceanography

The International Commission of the History of Oceanography (ICHO) is a global body devoted to linking scholars, writers, and teachers interested in the history of the marine sciences, broadly defined.

Environment & Society Portal

The Environment & Society Portal is a gateway to open access resources on the human-environment relationship

Time to Eat the Dogs

A Podcast about Science, History, and Exploration


Johan Hjort Symposium 2019

Challenging the scientific legacy of Johan Hjort: time for a new paradigm in marine research? 
12–14 June 2019 
Bergen, Norway 

Marine Transgressions

Marine Transgressions is a 2-day environmental humanities conference that will take place on June 7-8th 2018 at the Create Centre, located on the banks of the river Avon by the entrance to the historic floating harbour in Bristol, UK.


The High Seas and the Deep Oceans:
Representations, resources and regulatory governance (3ROceans)

This project seeks to chart and analyze how cultural conditions underpin the use of the oceans and to investigate the relationships between the representations, resources and regulations of the high seas and the deep oceans. 

Floating Laboratory of Action & Theory At Sea 

The Floating Laboratory of Action & Theory At Sea(FLOATS) an experimental platform dedicated to teaching, research, public engagements and awareness about the social sciences of the sea. 

The Ocean Memory Project

We are a collaborative network of researchers from across the Sciences, Arts and Humanities dedicated to exploring the intersection of Ocean and Memory, and advancing Ocean Memory as a new field of scholarship and creative expression. 


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